Bibliometrics help you with your research

Sie forschen, schreiben, publizieren. Doch wer nimmt Ihre Ergebnisse wahr? Wer liest Ihre wissenschaftlichen Beitr?ge? Wie h?ufig wird Ihre Forschung in- und ausserhalb der akademischen Welt wahrgenommen?


You and your team document your work by writing down and publishing the content and results of your research. Your publications are cited and integrated into patents and policy documents. Your scientific results are also taken up by media such as daily and weekly newspapers and blog articles.

Analysis with added value

Bibliometrics and altmetrics focus on the quantitative analysis of publications and offer far more than just a citation analysis. Bibliometric analyses enable you to obtain insights that can help you with strategic questions about research – be that for you personally or for your team.

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Benefit from the ETH Libary’s new service. Contact us on a no-obligation basis () and take advantage of the possibilities of a personalised bibliometric consultation for your research work.

Good to know: please refer to our website for more information.

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